Local Events/PSA'S
Hobbs Parks and Rec Dept. invites the public to a Kids’ Movie Under the Stars featuring the live-action film “Charlotte’s Web” at 7pm at the Jefferson Splash Pad near Jefferson Elementary, 1301 W. Clinton. It’s free and open to everyone. Take your own lawn chairs and items for personal comfort. Find out more at hobbsamerica.com and the Parks and Rec Facebook page.
The Community Players of Hobbs invite the public to the musical “Matilda” on Friday and Saturday at 8pm and Sunday at 2pm at The Playhouse, 1700 N. Grimes. The show is directed by Doug Levy. Admission is $15 with tickets at the door on in advance online at communityplayersofhobbs.org. Get more info at hobbsamerica.com. (More shows set for Sept. 6-8 at same times/days)
Hobbs Farmers Market will be held from 9am-1pm at Green Meadows Lake, 4300 N. Lovington Hwy. Local vendors will sell a variety of fresh produce, plus a variety of other items. Food trucks also will be on hand. Admission is free and open to everyone. Find out more at hobbsamerica.com. (See Facebook page for Hobbs Farmers Market)
Lovington Farmers Market will be held from 9am-12noon on the historic courthouse lawn. A wide variety of vendors will sell fruits, vegetable, eggs, and meats, along with arts, crafts, and other items. Admission is free and open to everyone. Find out more at hobbsamerica.com. (See Facebook page for Lovington Farmers Market)
The Hobbs Downtown Improvement Association will host a Downtown Night Market from 6-9pm at the Shipp Street Plaza featuring local vendors, food trucks and downtown merchants. Admission is free. Find out more at hobbsamerica.com.
The Western Heritage Museum on the campus of New Mexico Jr. College invites the public to see a free showing of the movie “Being There” starring Peter Sellers at 2pm at the theater inside the museum. Admission is free, including popcorn and drinks. Find out more at hobbsamerica.com.
Vitalant invites the public to give blood during local donor events. Walk-ins are welcome or set up an appointment at 575-625-9743. Find out more at hobbsamerica.com. You can always find out about drives in the area—and schedule appointments to give blood and other blood products—at vitalant.org. Find out more at hobbsamerica.
***A blood drive is scheduled for Saturday, Sept.7 from 11am-3pm at The Christian Center Church’s McClain Hall on the Lovington Hwy in Hobbs.
***A blood drive is set for Tuesday, Sept. 10 from 11am-4pm hosted by Mewbourne Oil Company in the Bloodmobile at CORE on the Lovington Hwy in Hobbs.
***A blood drive is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 12 from 10am-2pm in the Bloodmobile at New Mexico Jr. College’s Ben Alexander Hall.
Entries for the 2024 Llano Estacado Art Association’s Open Art Show will be accepted from 1-6pm on Friday, Sept. 6 at the Western Heritage Museum, 1 Thunderbird Circle on the NMJC campus in Hobbs. Cost is $10 per entry for LEAA members and $20 for non-members. Judging will be on Monday, Sept. 9 at 10am with an opening reception on that same day from 5-7pm. The show will remain on display at the museum during regular hours. Find out more at hobbsamerica.com or at nmjc.edu/museum or atl lanoestacadoartassociation.com (or their Facebook page).
The 11th annual Fiestas de Septiembre will be on Saturday, Sept. 7 from 6-11pm at the Shipp Street Plaza in downtown Hobbs featuring food, live music and fun for all ages. Performances will include Los Recoditos, Ram Herrera and Jenny Utajara. Admission is free and open to everyone. Funds raised will help provide scholarships for local students by Hobbs Hispano Chamber of Commerce Foundation and the JF Maddox Foundation. Find out more at hobbsamerica.com.
The 41st annual Boys & Girls Club of Hobbs Car Raffle and Family Fair will be held from 12noon-6pm at the B&G Club, 301 E. Broadway in downtown Hobbs. Here’s the schedule of events:
12noon--4pm Car show
12noon--6pm Food trucks, entertainment, vendors and games
4pm--Raffle ticket sales end
4:30pm—Drawing of the final 200 tickets begins
5pm—Lucky Lots and Live Auction
5:30pm—Elimination drawing for the Final 200 tickets
***The final ticket out of the 200 finalists will win their choice of a $30,000 credit at Permian Auto Group towards purchase of a Permian Auto Group vehicle, or a ’24 Ford Maverick, ’24 Toyota Corolla, or ’24 Nissan Sentra. Tickets cost $50 each and are available at the club, at any Permian dealership in Hobbs and online at bgchobbs.org. (or from the club’s board members; call 397-4446 or 393-7905)
The City of Hobbs reminds residents within city limits about the Water Conservation Period which runs through Sept. 15. Watering outdoors is permitted for even-numbered addresses on even-numbered calendar days; watering is allowed at odd-numbered addresses on odd-numbered calendar days. For all addresses, watering times are either 4-8am or 7-11pm. Water permits for times outside of approved times are available. Contact the water office at 575-397-9216. Find out more at hobbsamerica.com.
The Lea County Center for the Arts is open at 122 W. Broadway in Hobbs. Hours are Tues, Thurs, Fri, and Sat 1-7pm and on Wed from 1-5pm. Admission is free, open to all. Find out more at hobbsamerica.com. (www.lccanm.org; 575-433-2787; 433-ARTS)
***After-School Art Classes are offered on Wednesdays 4-5pm for K-5th grades and Thursdays 4-5pm for students in grades 6-12 (except during summer and holiday breaks) There is a fee charged per class. For times and cost see www.lccanm.org.
RUN TFN (NOTE: Story time/reading is back now through May 15!)
Hobbs Public Library at 509 N. Shipp, is normally open Monday 9:30am-8pm, Tuesday-Wednesday 9:30am-6pm, Thursday-Friday 9:30am-5pm, and Saturday 9am-3pm. Watch the library’s Facebook page for details about free projects and programs for all ages or call the front desk for info, 397-9328.
***A NEW program that’s free for 4th grade students and up on Mondays from 6-7pm in the library’s meeting room (north entrance). The hour will include STEM projects, experiments, group games, arts and crafts, prizes and more!
***Tuesday Two’s: 10-10:30am with story time and craft geared for 2-yr-old’s;
Tuesday Storytime: Storytime with story and craft for 3-5 years age
***Baby Talk: 10-10:30am with storytime and craft geared for expectant mothers, caregivers and children 0-24 months of age
***Storytime: Story and craft geared for ages 3-5
***We Read Club with starting library skills and story time for K-3rd grade
***Dual Language 11-12pm with Spanish & English storytime and craft geared for 3-5 years of age
***The library also offers crafts for children and families from 11am-noon downstairs in the children’s department on Saturdays.
***Kanopy is now available to stream TV shows, movies, documentaries and more. You’ll need a library card number and pin to set up a Kanopy account. The service is free for Hobbs Public Library card holders.
***Curbside service still is available; order books, DVD’s, audiobooks and music CDs with a limit of 5 items to be picked up Mon, Wed and Fri from 2-4pm. Have your current, unblocked library card ready. Call the library when you arrive and items will be taken by staff to your vehicle. (575-397-9328)
The State Dept. of Health and local health care providers want the public to know
cases of Syphilis, a serious disease with dangerous complications, are on the rise. Complications, especially if not diagnosed or treated, may include heart problems, destructive sores of the skin and bones, brain and nervous system problems, muscle weakness and abnormal sensations, and syphilitic meningitis. Here’s how to protect yourself if you are sexually active: Get tested for syphilis even if you feel healthy. This sexually transmitted disease spreads skin-to-skin through any type of unprotected sexual activity. It also can be spread through skin-to-skin contact by sharing needles. Testing is quick and easy, so talk to your health care provider, state health office and/or any medical professional at local clinics. (search syphilis symptoms online; www.nmhealth.org)RUN
***Hobbs Police Department announces that it will conduct sobriety checkpoints at various areas within Hobbs City Limits throughout the month, especially during holidays. These checkpoints are intended to help reduce alcohol- and other intoxicant-related incidents and increase public safety.
***Lea County Sheriff’s Office announces that it will conduct DWI checkpoints at various times and places in Lea County throughout the month, especially during the holidays. Drivers are reminded to buckle up and drive safely and soberly without texting or other distractions. Please make sure passengers, especially children are wearing seatbelts and pets are properly secured. Find out more at hobbsamerica.com.
***New Mexico State Police will conduct sobriety checkpoints, saturation patrols, and registration-insurance-driver’s license checkpoints in all counties and issuing citations throughout the month, especially during the holidays. This is to reduce drug and alcohol-related deaths and help change society’s attitude about driving while impaired by alcohol, marijuana or other drugs. Buckle up, don’t speed, and don’t drink-and-drive…help save lives. Find out more at hobbsamerica.com. (575-885-3138; www.sp.nm.gov.
Ask about registration and enrollment in upcoming sessions of NMJC’s English as a Second Language (ESL) and Citizenship FREE classes. Call 575-492-2629 for more information. The office is open in its new location, 109 S. Dalmont on Mon-Fri 8am-5pm (Spanish speaker available). Find out more at hobbsamerica.com. (Kathleen, 575-492-2630; Spanish speakers Sandra 492-2629 and Ayde, 492-2631)
***Ask about registration/enrollment in upcoming sessions of NMJC’s FREE High School Equivalent (GED or HiSET program) and Entrepreneurial classes held at the new location, 109 S. Dalmont. All classes are offered at no charge. Interest? Call 575-492-2630 for dates, times and other info but hurry because the deadline is approaching. Find out more at hobbsamerica.com. (see list of names/numbers above)
The Lea County Museum in Lovington is open with buildings at 103 N. Love, 114 E. Central and others near the courthouse. Normal hours are Mon-Friday from 9am-5pm; admission is free to all buildings and exhibits and to most programs. Find out more at 1radiosquare.com. (396-4805)
Salvation Army of Lea County’s Food Bank at 520 E. Main St. is open to the public Mon, Tues, and Wed 9am-12noon and 1-4pm. The free food pantry is open for those in need. Food is taken to shut-ins in all communities of Lea County and some in West Texas once each month. Find out more at hobbsamerica.com. (397-2119; 820 S. Fowler)
***Donations are being accepted for the local Women’s Career Closet. Donations should be primarily business casual and professional clothing to be used for free by women in need who are entering and advancing through the job market. Donations may be dropped off M-F 8am-5pm at 107 S. Dalmont in Hobbs. Find out more at hobbsamerica.com.
***Oilfield Connections International, Hobbs Chapter has recently organized and is looking for members. Anyone may join. The annual membership fee starts at $25. Monthly luncheon meetings feature guest speakers and are open to members and the public ($25 meal charge). Buy a membership and get up to 20% off the luncheon cost. Members meet to network, exchange knowledge, info and experience in order to help businesses grow and prosper. Go online at www.oilfieldconnections.net for more info or to RSVP. Find out more at hobbsamerica.com. (Derek Jones, 575-393-7316)