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Welcome to the HobbsAmerica local events page!
Local Events/PSA'S

The City of Hobbs invites the public to a free Veterans’ Day Ceremony at Hobbs Veterans Memorial Park at 10am on Friday, Nov. 11. The memorial park is at 5120 Jack Gomez Blvd. (west of Hobbs DMV office). It’s open to everyone. (Note: All Hobbs City offices will be closed all day Friday in observance of Veterans’ Day. Regular hours/schedule will resume Monday, Nov. 14). Find out more at (
Hobbs VFW invites the public to attend the Veterans’ Day Parade on Sat, Nov. 12 starting at 10am at Turner and Taylor Streets, going north then turning left onto Alto and ending at the VFW Hall on Alto across from the Teen Center. There will be a ceremony and lunch at the VFW Hall. Floats will be judged and prizes awarded. A Little Patriot contest will be held so dress up ages 3-12 in their best red, white, and blue and stand along the parade route. Judges will find the best-dressed Little Patriots and notify the adults with the kids. Find out more at (For parade entries and questions, call Angel at 575-263-7415)
The Western Heritage Center and Lea County Cowboy Hall of Fame invites the public to a FREE showing of the classic Western “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” starring Clint Eastwood on Sunday, Nov. 13 at 2pm in the museum’s theater room. Find out more about the museum’s Classic Film Series at Also find out more at (Please note: Except for the events on Nov.13 and 17, the museum is closed to the public until Nov. 29 to decorate and prepare programs for the holidays.)
The 25th annual Lea County Community Prayer Breakfast will be held on Thursday, Nov. 17 at the Maddox Student Life Center on the USW campus in Hobbs. Breakfast begins at 6:15am, the program begins at 6:45am featuring community leader Evelyn Rising. Admission is FREE and tickets are NOT required. Find out more at (
The Western Heritage Museum and Lea County Cowboy Hall of Fame invites the public to a FREE evening lecture on Thursday, Nov.17 about the Battle of Tarawa by Marine Corps historian Lee Daniel Kent starting at 5:30pm. Learn about the famous WWII battle in November 1943 and about the actions of New Mexico resident and Medal of Honor recipient “Sandy” Bonneyman. Find out more at ( (Please note: Except for events on Nov.13 and 17, the museum is closed to the public until Nov. 29 to decorate/prepare for holiday programs.)
Vitalant will hold a blood drive on Sat, Nov. 19 from 11am-3pm at the LDS Church in Hobbs at the corner of Grimes and West Joe Harvey Blvd in Hobbs. Walk-ins are welcome or call and set up an appointment at 575-840-8178. Find out more at Vitalant also is looking for more businesses, organizations, churches, etc. to host future blood drives. Call Steph at 575-840-8178 to volunteer as a host or just ask questions. (Last drive in Lea Co for Nov. Several are scheduled for December.)
***Lea County Sheriff’s Office announces that it will conduct DWI checkpoints at various times and places in Lea County throughout November, especially during Thanksgiving weekend. Drivers are reminded to buckle up and drive safely and soberly without texting or other distractions. Please make sure passengers, especially children are wearing seatbelts and pets are properly secured. Find out more at
***New Mexico State Police will conduct sobriety checkpoints, saturation patrols, and registration-insurance-driver’s license checkpoints in all counties and issuing citations throughout November. This is to reduce drug and alcohol-related deaths and help change society’s attitude about driving while impaired by alcohol or other substances such as marijuana. Buckle up, don’t speed, and don’t drink-and-drive…instead, help save lives. Find out more at (575-885-3138;
The Lea County Center for the Arts is open at 122 W. Broadway in downtown Hobbs. Normal hours are Tues, Thurs, Fri, and Sat 1-7pm and on Wed from 1-5pm. Admission is free and open to everyone. Find out more at
(; 575-433-2787 or 433-ARTS)
***After-School Art Classes are being held each Wednesday from 4-5pm for elementary students and each Thursday from 4-5pm for middle school students at LCCA. To register or find out more, go to or on Facebook.
***The Fabulous Fiber Art Show is on display during regular hours featuring quilts, hand and machine embroidery, weaving/knitting/crocheting, paper, wood, felt, wool and more. The show will remain displayed through Dec. 15 (artists pickup items on Dec. 16).
Hobbs Public Library at 509 N. Shipp is now open Monday 9:30am-8pm, Tuesday-Wednesday 9:30am-6pm, Thursday-Friday 9:30am-5pm, and closed on weekends. FREE reading programs for kids are back; FREE programs for adults are back. Watch the library’s Facebook page for details about free projects and programs for all ages or call the front desk for info, 397-9328.
***Story Hour for 2-year-olds every Tuesday, 10-10:30a;
***Story Hour for ages 3, 4, and 5 every Tuesday, 11a-12noon;
***We Read Club for K-3rd grade every Wednesday, 2:30-3:30p to create new stories, learn critical thinking, writing skills, social skills, win prizes and have fun.
***All children’s programs are free; children must be accompanied by an adult.
***Curbside service still is available; order books, DVD’s, audiobooks and music CDs with a limit of 5 items to be picked up Mon, Wed and Fri from 2-4pm. Have your current, unblocked library card ready. Call the library when you arrive and items will be taken by staff to your vehicle. (575-397-9328)
The Lea County Museum in Lovington is open again with buildings at 103 N. Love, 114 E. Central and others that are also near the courthouse. Normal hours are Tuesday through Saturday from 9am-5pm; admission is free to all buildings and exhibits and to most programs. Find out more at (396-4805)
Salvation Army of Lea County’s Food Bank at 520 E. Main St. is open to the public on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 9am-12noon and 1-4pm. The free food pantry is open for those in need. Additionally, food is taken to shut-ins and to those in need in all communities of Lea County, as well as Denver City and Seminole, Texas once each month. Find out more at (397-2119; SA office at 820 S. Fowler)
Ask about registration and enrollment in upcoming sessions of NMJC’s English as a Second Language (ESL) and Citizenship FREE classes. Those who are interested should call 575-492-2629 for more information. The office is open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm (Spanish speaker available). Find out more at (Kathleen, 575-492-2630; Spanish speakers Haidee 492-2629 and Syrtiha, 492-2631)
Ask about registration/enrollment in upcoming sessions of FREE High School Equivalent (GED or HiSET program) and Entrepreneurial classes held at NMJC. All classes are offered at no charge. Students who are interested should call 575-492-2630 for dates, times and other info but hurry because the deadline is approaching. Find out more at (Kathleen, 575-492-2630; Spanish speakers Haidee 492-2629 and Syrtiha, 492-2631)
***Donations are being accepted for the local Women’s Career Closet. Donations should be primarily business casual and professional clothing to be used for free by women in need who are entering and advancing through the job market. Donations may be dropped off M-F 8am-5pm at 107 S. Dalmont in Hobbs. Find out more at
***Oilfield Connections International, Hobbs Chapter has recently organized and is looking for members. Anyone may join. The annual membership fee starts at $25. Monthly luncheon meetings feature guest speakers and are open to members and the public ($25 meal charge). Buy a membership and get up to 20% off the luncheon cost. Members meet to network, exchange knowledge, info and experience in order to help businesses grow and prosper. Go online at for more info or to RSVP. Find out more at (Derek Jones, 575-393-7316)
***Isaiah’s Kitchen, 304 W. Harden in Hobbs, serves two free meals daily M-F: breakfast 9:30-10am and lunch at 12noon to anyone who shows up. Meals are intended to help those who would otherwise go hungry but all community members are invited. Those who can afford to donate are welcomed but not expected to do so. To volunteer or ask about donating food or money to the cause, call Renee, 575-393-4125.